Catholic Charities Team Embraces, Supports Rural Life

March 1, 2024

by Lisa Haefs

Throughout the year, Catholic Charities supports the work of rural communities and parishes through its Social Ministry and Outreach Team.

“They are the group going out in the rural communities and connecting them with the resources available through a wide range of groups,” Karmen Lemke, director of Catholic Charities, said. “Our goal is to continue to create a safe, supportive haven in the areas which we proudly serve.”

The team is managed by Lori Paul, whose responsibilities include building, maintaining, and strengthening relationships between Catholic Charities and various people, community groups, and civic entities. She began her ministry at the Diocese five years ago, first in the Office of Catholic Schools before joining the Catholic Charities team.

Lucas Holt is the Human Dignity and Life Advocate. He focuses on communicating and promoting Catholic Social Teaching. He has experience as a producer at Relevant Radio and as a high school theology teacher. Holt said he chose to work as the Human Dignity and Life Advocate to help those who are facing injustices in society today and to speak to the truth about the dignity of the human person, created in the image and likeness of God.

Parish Outreach Coordinator Paula Rieder supports and fosters relationships through collaborative leadership and service within the Parish and Community organizations throughout the Diocese. She is certified as a Spiritual Director and Pastoral Minister.  She is helping to start up two new initiatives at the Diocese that support integration of healing and the Catholic faith:  Whole Hearted and the Fiat Program.

Throughout the year, Catholic Charities works to address the needs of those living within rural areas. It has been a chapter member of the National Catholic Rural Life Conference since 1993, when disaster relief funds were set aside to be used to address the needs of those living within the Diocese. Over the past two years, it has awarded over $10,000 in one-time grants for items such as diesel fuel for tractors, gasket repairs, wind damage to a shed, septic services, and wood for home heating.
To learn more about Social Ministry and Community Outreach or to connect with our team, visit:
