When you are faced with an unplanned pregnancy, it is okay to feel torn between your options. The decision you make is a decision that should be made for what you feel is best for you and your child. Both parenting and adoption are tremendously loving decisions however neither are easy.
Our pregnancy support workers will assist you on exploring both adoption and parenting, and will support you in what you feel is best for your child.
Our pregnancy support workers will become case managers and aim to help you achieve the goals you identify for yourself and your child. We will connect you to community resources to alleviate some of the stressors you may have. Our workers will also work to help you learn more on the topics of parenting that you desire to learn more about.
Our pregnancy support workers will help you explore the decision to create an adoption plan and will help you implement your adoption plan by ensuring that all legal requirements are met, and acting as your advocate throughout the process. Our workers will help you find the prospective adoptive parents that you feel are the right fit and aid in developing a relationship, if desired, with the adoptive parents that you identify. We walk with you through every step of this process- during pregnancy, after delivery, and beyond. Our workers are available to you for as long as you so choose.
View Our Adoptive Families.
Our pregnancy support workers will also work with you to identify what type of adoption you feel is best (closed, semi-open, or open). All of the prospective adoptive parents with our program are open to having some sort of (a) relationship with expectant parents; it is up to you to decide what you feel is best for you and your child. Open adoptions are based on mutual trust and respect for all who are involved.
If you are in labor or your baby is already born and you still want to consider adoption it is not too late. You can contact Catholic Charities when you are in labor, while you are still in the hospital, after you have delivered, or even if you have been discharged home from the hospital with baby. We are here to help!
It is never too late to create an adoption and is not as uncommon as one might think. If you are not ready to parent for whatever reason, please Contact Us:
(920) 272-8234 • Main number, available during business hours
(920) 680-2544 • Textline/After hours phone
We encourage expectant fathers to participate in services with the mother of their child (together or individually) to explore and plan for parenting and/or adoption. With regard to adoption it is important that fathers are notified of the adoption plan and provided proper legal notice of any court proceedings related to termination of parental rights. To ensure that notices are done, any expectant father can file a declaration of paternal interest with the State of Wisconsin
Do you have questions about what it would be like to create an adoption plan? Below you will find answers to some of the questions frequently asked by those considering creating an adoption plan. If you do not find the answers to your questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Frequently Asked Questions: