Grace & Gratitude: The Year in Review

December 19, 2024

by Karmen Lemke, Executive Director

My favorite Christmas movie of all time is “It’s a Wonderful Life,” the 1946 classic featuring James Stewart as George Bailey who, after getting a glimpse into what life would look like if he never existed, wants nothing more than to return home; when he does come back to reality and embraces the gift that is his own life, what awaits is nothing short of a Christmas miracle.  

The movie reminds me of another year passing at Catholic Charities and the tremendous hope our team has delivered to many for a brighter tomorrow. It would be hard to imagine what our communities would look like if Catholic Charities did not exist. Many have put their faith in us to help them get through some of life’s biggest challenges. Despite a tough season or situation, like George Bailey, they want to live more fully again. Each client and circumstance is an opportunity to help someone see their own dignity as a human person and has taught us great humbleness in our work.

This past year, our compassionate team stepped out boldly in new and innovative ways to positively impact over 10,000 people through our programs and services. Our clients included a grieving child, a homeless man living in his car, a refugee seeking employment, a young woman with an unplanned pregnancy, and a married couple facing foreclosure of their home. We served young and old alike and had a particular focus on strengthening families. We accomplished this through in-person sessions and events, tele-health options, collaborative partnerships with parishes and community partners and, of course, through the grace of God.

You can read more stories of impact and see the numbers behind how Catholic Charities was there to serve our neighbors in need by viewing our recently released Community Report. The miracle of a son for a family awaiting adoption, a woman taking refuge from domestic violence, and a donated vehicle for a gentleman who lost everything in a tornado are just a few examples of the work we do and the support we provided this year.
As 2024 draws to a close, may we all find gratitude in the many blessings we have been given by Our Lord, Jesus Christ. And just like George Bailey proclaimed, we too give thanks for it is a wonderful life! Catholic Charities is humbled to be a small part of helping people from all walks of life experience hope, healing, and wholeness.

Karmen Lemke is the Executive Director of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Green Bay.

The Year in Review Graphic showing four panels of people in each