Our Services

Adoption and Pregnancy Support Services

Mental Health

Refugee Resettlement Services

Financial Health

Immigration Legal Services

Social Ministry & Community Outreach

Human Dignity And Life

Volunteer Opportunities

Amazon Wish List

Check out our Amazon Wish List for a list of much needed items for our clients.

Servicios en Español

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Caridades Católicas de la Diócesis de Green Bay ofrece servicios de Adopción, Consejería de salud mental, Inmigración y servicio a Refugiados, Coordinación de Recursos, y Educacion Financiera a la población Hispana atraves de nuestro personal bilingüe. Nuestra misión es colaborar con nuestra comunidad invitando y sirviendo aquellos que muchas veces han sido abandonados o se han sentido solos, a conocer y experimentar el tremendo y abundante amor de Dios por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo.

Caridades Católicas trabaja en nuestra comunidad en coordinación con escuelas, agencias, organizaciones, parroquias y diferentes proveedores del área. Ofrecemos servicios en los Condados de Brown, Calumet, Door, Florence, Forest, Kewaunee, Langlade, Manitowoc, Marinette, Menominee, Oconto, Outagamie, Shawano, Waupaca, Waushara and Winnebago Counties.

Para más información o hacer una cita, por favor Contáctenos.

Presentation or Speaker Request

Catholic Charities has a wide variety of presentations available. To find out more Submit a Request Form.

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me." - Matthew 25: 35-36

Privacy Policy

All information for those who participate in our services is kept strictly confidential. The only exceptions to that is the our staff are mandated reporters for child abuse and/or neglect concerns or eminent concerns for personal safety/wellbeing. We will not share any names, contact information of any kind, or personal information about services without explicit consent from the individual.

Client information is never shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All those who participate in our services consent to ways that they would like our organization to interact with them.

To opt out of any contact method with our organization or staff, individuals can opt out by notifying the staff person they are working with, contacting our front desk at 920-272-8234, and emailing us at charitiesgb@gbdioc.org.

Here is a link to our Privacy Policy. For additional questions regarding our privacy practices, please contact us at 920-272-8234 or via email at charitiesgb@gbdioc.org.
