Considering Adoption

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Green Bay focuses on assisting families with adoptions of children from within the United States. These are called domestic adoptions. We do this in different ways. Our social workers are here to work beside you in looking at the possibilities. They will discuss your options with you and help you evaluate which path is best for you.

Agency Infant Program

In this program, prospective adoptive parents and expectant parents are connected through Catholic Charities. Infants brought forward for adoption are ages 0-12 months old, and parents seeking to adopt a child must meet certain eligibility criteria to qualify for adopting a child. Please contact us for more information about the process and eligibility criteria.

Independent Adoption

Similar to the Agency Infant Program, expectant mothers and connected to adoptive parents, but here adoptive parents meet the expectant parents on their own. There is no waiting period or policy limiting the number of children that the adoptive parents have prior to adoption. Adoptive parents connect with expectant parents in a number of ways including through the web on parent profile sites, via family members or friends and by word of mouth.

Please Contact Us for more information about the process and eligibility criteria.

Out-of-State Adoption

Catholic Charities is able to assist adoptive families who are adopting a child or children born in the US, but outside of Wisconsin, and who need local home study and post-placement services. This is considered a type of independent adoption.

All 50 states, including Wisconsin, participate in the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC). ICPC provides for the safe placement of children as well as to ensure that laws are followed in both the sending and receiving state. ICPC must provide approval prior to the placement of the child into a different state.

Catholic Charities is knowledgeable about the complexities involved in out-of-state adoptions and can provide assistance and guidance throughout this process. Please Contact Us for more information about the process and eligibility criteria.

Relative and Step Adoptions

Relative adoption is a formal way to formalize and make legal the special bond between a stepparent or family caregiver and child. Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Green Bay can help individuals through the this process, and move toward their goal of strengthening their family through adoption.

All individuals seeking relative or stepparent adoption are required to participate in the following steps as part of the screening process:

  • Background clearances.
  • Medical assessment.
  • Review of financial status.
  • Verification of employment.
  • Reference checks.
  • In-person meetings where social history is shared and educational and support elements are discussed.

After these steps have been completed, the agency provides a court report to the presiding judge and attorneys involved in the adoption case. A final ruling in the case is then made.

Informational Meetings

Informational meetings are scheduled throughout the year for those interested in learning more about the domestic and international adoption services available to prospective adoptive parents. Please Contact Us for more information.

Contact Us

Please Contact Us for more information.
(920) 272-8234
