Private Sponsorships

The United States government has launched private sponsorship programs to respond to humanitarian crises, as well as to decrease the overall wait time for refugees to enter the United States. Sponsors can be individual U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or others who are lawfully present in the United States. Sponsors are required to ensure that the individuals they are sponsoring have the resources needed to start a new life in the United States. This includes welcoming them at the airport, finding housing, setting up the new household with furniture and household items, providing clothing and food, finding employment, enrolling children in school, accessing medical care, and connecting newcomers to community resources and supports available to them.

The federal government is processing and coordinating all sponsorships.
What are the different sponsorship programs?

To become a sponsor or to learn more about the sponsorship programs please visit the above websites. Catholic Charities does not facilitate these sponsorship programs.

Individuals arriving in Northeastern Wisconsin via Sponsorship Programs may be eligible for many Catholic Charities’ services. Sponsors can assist individuals with accessing the following services through Catholic Charities specific to newcomers in our community:

  • Immigration legal services: adjustment of status, application for work authorization
  • Refugee Support Services: employment search assistance and preparation activities, housing search, and referral for medical care

These services are available at our Green Bay office or via virtual or phone appointments. To access services Contact Us.
