It is hard to believe it has already been one year since the launch of the On Mission e-newsletter. I hope you have enjoyed following along and learning more about the work of Catholic Charities. So often I hear from people, “I did not know that you did that!” or “I had no idea you were in our community.” It is a reminder that we have more work to do in sharing our mission and services with others! To help in that regard, on January 15 we will launch a new look to the Catholic Charities website. Be sure to check it out and let us know what you think.
In addition, Catholic Charities has many great initiatives on the way. Here is a sneak peek of what is to come!
In 2020, we declared a North Star, that by 2025 we will reach 10,000 people annually. I am delighted to share this has happened consistently for the past two years. Praise God! So, what is next? By 2028, Catholic Charities will celebrate 110 years of service. It is amazing to see how our organization has evolved over time and adapted to meeting the needs of the most vulnerable and poor in our communities. A refined strategic plan will help us be positioned to serve our diocese and those in need for years to come while maintaining operational strength and financial integrity. Your help will be needed to inform our plan, so please watch for a survey to help us envision the Catholic Charities of the future.
We will continue to focus on serving the rural, more underserved communities throughout the diocese, especially our growing Hispanic communities. In addition to the recently launched virtual care location at St. Francis of Assisi Parish Center in Manitowoc, we are excited to announce our partnership with Forest County in Crandon. This will be a new location for people with unreliable internet or limited ability to travel to connect with Catholic Charities in a secure and confidential environment. To schedule an appointment at either of these locations, please complete this quick form.
Finally, please save the date for our 2025 Inspired to Act event on Thursday, May 8, at The Marq in De Pere. Our hosts for the evening are Michele McCormack, evening anchor with WFRV TV 5, and Fr. Luke Ferris, pastor of the Kaukauna Catholic Parishes. The evening will include stories of impact, entertainment, a silent auction, and more. Gather a few friends and purchase a table now to take advantage of the early bird rate through March 7. Hope to see you there!
In conclusion, we look forward to bringing you stories that will help you stay connected with our mission. From learning more about our services, providing insights and impact from our work, highlighting volunteers, and sharing opportunities to get involved, you will discover many different ways Catholic Charities can be there for you, your family, and your neighbors in need.
Wishing you and your families a blessed Jubilee Year of Hope and looking forward to all that is to come in 2025!
Karmen Lemke is the Executive Director of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Green Bay.